Odyssey Festival Orchestra has ambitious goals. We aim to present the great works of the orchestral repertoire at the highest quality of execution, doing so in a distinctive and imaginative way that attracts new audiences to the concert hall. With this in mind, we aim to keep ticket prices low, making concerts as accessible as possible. We also have strong values of diversity and inclusion.

We need your help to achieve our mission
Many members of the orchestra have told us how much they value Odyssey’s unique mission. Yet no member pays for the experience of playing with the orchestra. This is fundamental to our inclusivity and values. But these goals are hard to achieve when each course costs over £600 per member. At the moment, our 2024 calendar season is costed at £66,000 per concert, a total of £198,000.
To achieve all this requires support. Of the approximate £60,000 cost for each concert, we recover no more than around a tenth by ticket sales, due to our inclusive ticket pricing policy. The rest comes from the generosity of individuals, trusts and foundations, and from volunteers who give in kind. Their support allows us to continue our important work. We believe in making classical music accessible for a new generation. Therefore, in our concerts, we collaborate with actors, dancers and other performers to guide the audience through the music. We are also really proud of our community engagement programme which includes in-school workshops and a subsidised ticket scheme for state schools. If you would like to learn more about our work or finances then please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.
We urgently need all the support we can to achieve that 2024 total and grow and expand in 2025. Please help us on our journey. Any donation counts. Repeated donations, such as standing orders are best of all, as they allow us to plan more confidently for the future.
Thank you so much for your interest in Odyssey. Click the button below to donate and join us on our journey.
To keep up to date with us head to our socials or join our mailing list below and learn more about us and what we do in our blog!
See you at our next concert!